Prof. Habwe John Hamu

Prof. Habwe John Hamu

I am a lecturer with about 30 years of teaching experience at University Level. I am currently an Associate professor in the Department of Kiswahili. I have also served as chairman of the Department of Kiswahili for 3 years until 2016 and previously I served as the chairman of the Department of Linguistics and languages for a period of 2 years. Besides teaching, I offer advisory services and consultancy to publishing outfits and educational institutions in Kenya.



Recent publications


Habwe, J.  Forthcoming.  The Development of the Kiswahili: Prose and the Evolution of the Kiswahili. Journal of Literature UoN.

Habwe, J.  Forthcoming.  Shujaa Wa Taifa. : Pheonix

Habwe, J.  Forthcoming.  Hidaya. : Moran Publishers

Habwe, J.  Forthcoming.  Changamoto za kueleza Msamiati wa Samaki: Mtazamo wa Kiuhusiano. Journal of Kiswahili Moi University.

Habwe, J, Foundation KFJK.  Forthcoming.  The Ekegusii Determiner Phrase. Analysis in the Minimalist Programme. . International Journal of Linguistics and Communication.

Hamu, Prof. Habwe john.  Forthcoming.  The Strategies and Challenges of Communicating Gender information in a non-gender Marking language. , India

Hamu, Prof. Habwe john.  Forthcoming.  Politeness Among the Swahili of Mombasa:A Family Perpective. Burji Baraton University Journal.

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  Forthcoming.  The Place of Action Research in the Writing of Fiction: Reflections on Kovu la Moyoni. Action Research conference MMUST(PROCEED).


Habwe, J.  2016.  Kiswahili Language Dictionary. , Nairobi: Jamo Kenyatta Foundation

Habwe, J.  2016.  Strategies and Challenges of Communicating Gender Issues in a non Gender Marking Language. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Kerala. 4(1):3-18.

Habwe, J.  2016.  Pendo La Karaha. , Nairobi: Moran Publishers


Prof. habwe.  2014.  pendo la kahara. , nairobi: moran publishers

Habwe, J.  2014.  Hadaa ya Nafsi. , Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2014.  The Discourse of Allienation in Kiswahili Poetry: A re-analysis of Muyaka wa Muhaji's Poetry. The University of Nairobi Literature Journal.

Hamu, HJ, Akidah M.  2014.  Mchango wa Uislamu katika kuendeleza Kiswahili: Kielelezo cha jamii ya Mumias Nchni Kenya in Iribe Mwangi et al Ukuzaji wa KIswahili : Dhima na Majukumu ya Asasi Mbalimbali. , Nairobi: Focus Publishers

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2014.  Kovu la Moyoni. , Nairobi: Bookmark



Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2013.  Lulu ya Maisha. : Jomo Kenyatta Foundation



Hamu, HJ.  2012.  Cohesion In The Kiswahili Complex Sentence CitationWebsite

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2012.  Cohesion in the Kiswahili Complex Sentence. University of Nairobi. 2/2

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2012.  Mikono ya Gondi. : Longhorn Publishers



Hamu, HJ.  2011.  PambaWebsite

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2011.  Siku ya Kheri. Mwavyaji Roho na Hadithi Nyingine. , Nairobi: Focus Publishers

John, HPH.  2011.  Dialogue Drama in Kenyan Political Speeches & Its Pragmatic Implications. Nordic Online Journal of Linguistics; Helsinki, Finland.

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2011.  The Discourse Political Language in Kenya: Structure and Meaning of Speeches. , Saarbrucken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishers

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2011.  Fumbo la Maisha. : Jomo Kenyatta Foundation

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2011.  Safari ya Lamu. , Nairobi, Kenya: Longhorn Publishers


Hambwe, JH.  2010.  Ungamo la Janaha Website

Hamu, PJH, Nyonje J.  2010.  Darubini ya Isimujamii Kwa Shule na Vyuo . , Nairobi: Phoenix Publishers

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2010.  Uchochoro wa Mauti . Mizungu YaManabii na Hadithi Nyingine. : Phoenix

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2010.  Mbunge. Mizungu Ya Manabiina Hadithi Nyingine. : Phoenix

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2010.  Politeness Phenomena: A case of Kiswahili Honorifics. in Swahili Forum( SwaFo).



Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2009.  Fumbo La Maisha . , Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2009.  The Role of Kiswahili in the Integration of The EastAfrican Region. Journal of Pan African Studies.


Hamu, HJ.  2008.  Sofia mzimuniWebsite

Hamu, PJH, Nyonje J.  2008.  Darubini ya Utunzi. : Phoenix Publishers

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2008.  Cheche za Moto . , Nairobi: Jomo Kenyatta Foundation


Habwe, John H; Okombo, DO.  2007.  Pragmatic strategies in the use of Kiswahili demonstratives.

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2007.  Sofia Mzimuni. : Longhorn Publishers

John, HPH.  2007.  Ayubu Mashakani. : Longhorn Publishers

Hamu, Prof. Habwe John.  2007.  Safina na Kima wa Ajabu. : Longhorn Publishers